I am Ed Bostick, MPA, NLP, CCHT, a hypnotherapist, and life coach, with 30 years of experience in public health as a non-profit executive, fund-raiser, and educator. Throughout my public health career, I have personally used hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, and life coaching to achieve my personal and professional goals. I work with clients to conquer their fears, traumas, and phobias, reduce conflict in their lives, and manage their emotions. My passion is to teach you how to rise to your highest aspirations.

Picture of Ed Bostick


Masters in Public Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, GALLUP® Strengths Coaching, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.

I have studied with pioneers and innovators in NLP and hypnotherapy and continue my studies in the latest research and techniques on the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy and NLP are proven approaches for personal performance enhancement, behavioral change, and key ingredients for business performance, personal growth, and fulfillment.

Whether you are struggling with workplace stress, achieving personal and professional goals, stopping bad habits and addictions, or you are at a point in your life where circumstances are overwhelming you, I coach you to overcome roadblocks, heal and complete your past, and to move on and reach your goals. I equip you with the right set of tools to overcome your personal and professional challenges–no canned scripts. Each session is personalized for you.

Education and Registrations

Certifications & Trainings




  • Acting (Meisner Method): John Parkinson, LA

  • Commercials: Tepper-Gallegos, LA

  • Singing (Musical Theatre): Erv Windward, LA and Patrice Burgstahler, Denver


Dedicated to helping you grow into your better self.

Whether you are struggling with workplace stress, achieving personal and professional goals, or stopping bad habits and addictions; or you are at a point in your life where circumstances are overwhelming you, I guide you to overcome roadblocks, heal and complete your past, and to move on and reach your goals.